Xamarin.iOS I18N with Storyboard

Liddle Fang
Dec 21, 2020

It’s easy to use Xcode for I18N.
But if you need to use Xamarin.iOS for I18N project with storyboard. Maybe you have to do more things.


  1. Edit project files with Xcode
1. Open Storyboard with Xcode.
2. “Localize …” Main.storyboard
3. Xcode create English lproj ( Language Project, You can find Xcode project files in the “Obj” directory. )
4. Select Project file to change “Info”
5. Add language you want to support
6. Select storyboard.
7. Delete Main.storyboard

2. Edit difference storyboard.


3. Test in the simulator.

4. If you open storyboard in Resources folder and show the message. Don’t worry about.

Open Main.storyboard in the lproj folder.
forget this message.



Liddle Fang

C# from 2003, Objective-C from 2008, Swift from 2014. Google and StackOverflow are my best friends.